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How to Lose 30Lbs of Fat in 30 Days or Less Without Exercise

Have you ever tried to lose 20lbs of fat in 30 days or less without exercise? Anyways Keep on Reading This Interesting Article 
Do you really think it is possible to achieve such a feat? Actually, I believe in you and I know you can do it. Starting from the Diet Foundation, this is where your success will formulate in a beautiful image of art after 30 days. Finally, you will be able to look in the mirror and say, "I knew I could do it! Exercise for many people can be a thorn in the side, however, once you master the art of dieting, weight loss will be just a breeze. Here are your quick weight loss tips to lose at least 20 lbs in 30 days or less without exercising.
  • Cut out the white stuff

Getting rid of all the bad things and bringing in the new will be your new theme for the next 30 days. You possess one of those white foods such as white rice, cakes, white pasta, cereals, white potatoes, white breads and fried foods. All these types of foods are known to increase your insulin levels too high, which is the main cause of fat storage. In addition, fried foods are known to have a high content of saturated fats, which are a major cause of heart disease. Be sure to cut out these types of foods and you will be well on your way to losing the weight you desire so much.

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  • Get Fiber-Related

When it comes to weight loss, fiber is going to be your new best friend. Fiber comes in two different forms-soluble and insoluble. Since fibers can not be digested by the body for the proper nutrients, your body must get rid quickly through your colon. This makes it a smooth transition and a useful aid in getting rid of toxins, impurities and water. You can get a good source of fiber from your natural raw fruits, vegetables and whole wheat products. Also, there are many good cereals out there that contain a good source of fiber in them. Be sure to get at least 20 to 40 grams per day for optimal weight loss.
  • Eat more often

The more you eat the more weight you will lose, period. If you are really serious about losing 20lbs of fat in 30 days or less without exercising, you need to keep afloat little internal assistance from your body. This means that your metabolism has overdrive kick to reach your goal. Losing 20 pounds in a month is equal to about 5 pounds per week. Spread your meals out forever 2-3 hours and do not eat past 19. This will allow your liver time enough to metabolize all the carbohydrates and lipids you consumed throughout the day. Also, holding in a large amount of protein and good fats will give your body the impetus to lose that last pound you need to be. In fact, it takes more calories to digest proteins and good fat than it does complex carbohydrates.

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