Lose Weight in a Week at Home With Diet and Simple Exercise

    If you like the short term some want to lose weight, for example for a wedding or other event, choose an effective and healthy method. If you lose in a responsible way, a couple of kilos, and these are moreover not immediately again after that week. In this article you can read about the most effective ways to quickly fall in a responsible way down and get your exercises to do at home.

6 tips for responsible residues in a week

Regardless of the weight loss in a week with exercise, it is, of course, also important to take into account therefor with your diet. Again, not a diet, but a number of lifestyle changes that just add extra energy your body.

  • Tip 1: Stable blood sugar

Make sure you this week your blood sugar keeps quite stable. On an empty stomach, so before you eat breakfast, your blood sugar is around 4. After you've eaten something blood sugar always goes up. Depending on what you ate or drank the blood sugar goes up fast or slow. So blood sugar fluctuates throughout the day if it is good between 4.4 and 6. If you always eat sugary one day or fast carbohydrates like pasta or bread be absorbed into the body in the form of sugars, are the bigger fluctuations. Sugars supply our body cells energy, but one type of sugar your blood sugar rises faster than the other. If you always eat sugary, there is after every snack or meal a sharp rise in your blood sugar place. Your body produces insulin to and ensures that the sugars are included. The more sugars are present in these snack or meal, and then comes to the more harder the 'dip' when these quick energy once is taken up by the cells. Your body then gives a signal to the brain that your blood sugar is 'too low'. This is the famous "sugar dip. This will give you immediately need sugars. The "fast" sugars you will want to avoid it altogether, and replaced by "slow" sugars or complex carbohydrates.

The first week you mostly eat eggs, meat, fish, avocado and a handful of nuts. Eat lots of lettuce, salads and fresh vegetables. Add (soaked) chia seeds to your smoothie or eat it as a kind of pudding, for example, some unsweetened rice milk and cinnamon. Also contains fruit sugars. Fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals, so plenty of fruit is certainly important. Eating too much fruit is not wise again, because fruit contains fruit sugar (fructose), which, if you eat more fruits, soon to your daily recommended maximum sugar need comes. Eat this week up to two servings of fruit. When you drink green smoothies with leafy vegetables and two pieces of fruit, then these are your two servings of fruit and vegetables you eat no more for the rest of the day. This can maintain a week, after a week you eat one more meal with healthy complex carbohydrates with it on a day like sweet potatoes, quinoa or oatmeal.

  • Tip 2: Eat or NOT

always rather avoid:
potato chips
dairy produce
Actually all processed foods and ready-made meals, sweets, soft drinks, et cetera.These are full of sugar (plus gluten and often unhealthy E-numbers).

Avoid this week (and then in moderation if you want to lose weight):
rice cakes
ordinary potatoes
teff flour

  • Tip 3: Much more water and vegetable juice

Our body consists largely of water. About 75% to 80% of our body is water and only 20% to 25% is solid. Water is important for the absorption of nutrients, the processing of waste, the cell activity, and all that is needed in order to stay alive. By processed foods that contain a lot of salt is more likely that we retain moisture. When we drink, our body is unable to remove all the toxins we are exposed to everyday enough water. And therefore extremely important after exercise, to drain waste. When the human body dehydrates the body switches over to a type of survival mechanism that aims to conserve water in order to provide the most vital parts of the body of water. It even seems to be that all kinds of diseases such as obesity, chronic pain or fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, often preceded by years of not drinking enough water. Many of these diseases can therefore prevent certain extent, be or be controlled simply by the body to provide sufficient amounts of water so that the toxic substances and waste can be removed from the body. Thus, a pioneer in the field of water, Dr. Batmanghelidj, a conventionally trained physician who has done much research on this. When the body is dehydrated, the body is really stressed, be a bit like the feeling when you're thirsty. This allows the body a "fight or flight" reaction, meaning that stress chemicals are released in order to deal with the situation. When these chemicals are released over a long period can have many harmful effects on the body and can even cause diseases.

Also drink more green smoothies or vegetable juice from a juicer. Green smoothies do leaf vegetables, up to two pieces of fruit and water (and superfoods) in a blender, here you get a lot of fiber. Fibers give you long satiety and help your body to prevent all kinds of complaints and diseases such as obesity, intestinal problems and even cancer. They also help in proper digestion. But you can also make vegetable juice using a juicer or slowjuicer. When using a juicer, all of the juice squeezed out of the vegetables and the fibers remain behind, which has the advantage that all the nutrients from the vegetables can be incorporated more quickly into the bloodstream.They are a little less filling, precisely because they do not contain fiber. Juicing is a great way to lose a few kilos in a week, without dieting, but with sports.

During this week you go next to your healthy food and green smoothies only water and herbal drinks. You can also make tea of ​​fresh mint or a few slices of ginger (anti-inflammatory), possibly with himself squeezed lemon juice.

  • Tip 4: Protein shake after training

Proteins are important for proper muscle building, but also for proper thyroid function (and thus metabolism!). Also to burn (belly) fat is important to get enough protein.Recent studies have again shown that proteins make an essential contribution to the structure and integrity of almost every part of the body and actually help burn fat more efficiently, and thus promoting weight loss (Westerterp-Plantenga MS Nieuwenhuizen A. et al. 2009). Drink after exercise a protein shake, protein powder preferably brown rice or hemp protein powder. You can also add to your green smoothie these protein powders. Besides giving proteins (long) a feeling of fullness, and that makes losing weight easier. It is not meant to be hungry or pull you if you want to lose weight! It is much harder to maintain, and you snackt faster unhealthy things. You can read more about this in the booklet "A flat stomach in four weeks' .

help healthy protein (besides a healthy diet with base many fruits and good fats) in addition to bring the leptin production in balance. Leptin is a hormone with a major impact on your fat storage. Leptin is a kind of clock thermostat that regulates energy and hunger by giving signals to the brains to store or burn fat. Once you eat your body will produce leptin, and when leptin levels in the body reaches a certain level, get your brains signal that you are full and do not want to eat. This is very nice if you want to lose weight. However, if you are overweight usually have trouble less sensitive to this hormone, so you're less saturates. So you get into a vicious circle, as confirmed by various scientific studies (Myers et al, 2010;. & Buettner Scherer, 2011; Scarpace & Zhang, 2009). A healthy diet with adequate protein comes in your hormonal balance again, with the result that the appetite is less and you will lose weight because your body is much better able to burn fat.

  • Tip 5: Coconut oil

Use at least 3 to 4 teaspoons of coconut oil per day. Because coconut oil is composed of healthy, medium chain fatty acids (MCTs), it would have a beneficial effect on weight loss. Although it is going to saturated fatty acids, the fatty acids of coconut oil do not enter into the bloodstream, such as the most fats, but they will be transported directly to the liver where they are converted into a form of energy. They are not only stored as fat, but supply our body instant energy. One of the studies that confirm this was carried out by an American doctor GWCrile on the Yucatán Peninsula, where coconut oil is an important product. In this research, he discovered that the metabolic rate (the most important factor in maintaining the weight) of the population of Yucatán is 25 percent higher than - as it turned out competition - that of the people of the United States. Another study among animals showed that coconut oil helps in weight loss: farmers who wanted to fatten their cattle by feeding the coconut oil, discovered that their animals were just skinnier and more active. Furthermore perceive subjects who consumed several weeks on consistently coconut oil, often more energy, healthier sleep patterns, increased well-being and weight loss.
Several studies show that coconut oil is very good for the health of the thyroid gland.It plays a major role in the treatment and prevention of thyroid disorders, both in an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) as with decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Some reports drew attention to the cholesterol-lowering qualities of coconut oil that would help in the treatment of thyroid disorders. It would stimulate the thyroid gland, even when used on an empty stomach.

You can consume the pure coconut oil (eat a teaspoon) or make and drink it in lukewarm water. So start the day with a spoonful of coconut oil (on empty stomach).

Can Green Tea Help You Lose Weight Fast? What Science Says

  • Bonus Tip 6: Put in fresh resist

One of the reasons you can come again because you have so many sweet tooth.With willpower you try to keep it full, but that never works in the long term. Today it is difficult to avoid sugars, nearly all manufactured foods are full of it. Sugar is addictive, though it is often not seen: the food of this is still often associated with something positive. While sugar addiction is perhaps the most widespread addiction variant. Sugar upsets our hunger so we automatically eat too much. There is all kinds of research to support this. It has been shown that sugar can have an addictive effect among rats, according to this study says a lot about the addiction potential in humans.Sugar gives namely dopamine and opioids into the brains, substances which we feel extra good by and which potentially can be addictive. This can then lead to obesity and eating disorders (Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA, 2007).

In addition, to make the desire for sugars with a deficiency of certain nutrients in the body. A life full of sugars and processed food you build a long-term structural deficit of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs to function fully. A good example is magnesium, a natural component of cocoa. By magnesium deficiency, the body ask, do we get for example, pull in a magnesium-rich product such as chocolate. The fact that we have sugar sentence does not say that we also need to sugars. It may be the question of the body are to nutrients.

To overcome this constant pull is good to eat a period no sugar, not even through processed foods. It takes one to two weeks before the urge becomes less, then it is easier. After several weeks, the craving for sugar as well as away. Allow yourself to sin not matter in the first weeks, see it as an addiction in which the body needs some time to adjust to the new situation. In addition, sports also helps! Research shows that reduces the craving for sugar after exercise. Sports thus has a double advantage: on the one hand it helps to burn fat and also suppresses the need for sugary foods. You should also try to stop using sugar to a minimum

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